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Meat Loaf - A Piece Of The Action (The Best Of) (2009)
vom: 27.04.2011    
  Downloads: 9831
  Hochgeladen um:     00:37:06
  Öffentlicher Name:     CannaPower
  Format: mp3
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▐██▓▐     ▒▒▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒    ▌┌─┐ ┌─┌ ┌─ ┌┐ ┌─┐┌──┌┐ ┌┌─┌─┐▐    ▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▒▒     ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌       ░▒▒▒▓▓▓▒▒   ▐│─└┐├─│ ├─┌├└┐└─┐├─││└┐│├─│ │▌   ▒▒▓▓▓▒▒▒░       ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█         ░░░░░░     └  └└─└─└─┘  └──┘└─└─ └┘└ └─┘     ░░░░░░         █▀▄██
▐██▓▐                                                                     ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌                                                                     ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█      ARTIST ..... :  Meat Loaf                                      █▀▄██
▐██▓▐                                                                     ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌      ALBUM ...... :  A Piece Of The Action-The Best Of              ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█                                                                     █▀▄██
▐██▓▐      GENRE ...... :  Rock                                           ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌      YEAR ....... :  2009                                           ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█      UPLOADER ... :  Q n b j x                                      █▀▄██
▐██▓▐      SRC/RPR .... :  WEB / NMR                                      ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌      RUNTIME .... :  02:30:57                                       ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█      TOTALSIZE .. :  346,20 MB  AUDIO: 345,35 MB  TAG: 856,99 KB    █▀▄██
▐██▓▐      HOMEPAGE ... :  n/a                                            ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌      LABEL ...... :  Sony Music Entertainment                       ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█      HOSTER ..... :  yourfiles.to                                   █▀▄██
▐██▓▐      INCLUDE .... :  m3u, nfo, sfv                                  ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌                                                                     ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█      RELEASE .... :  Meat_Loaf-A_Piece_Of_The_Action-The_Best_Of    █▀▄██
▐██▓▐                      (2009)-NoGroup-CannaPower                      ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌                                                                     ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█      ALBUM .............. [■]         AUDIOBOOK .......... [ ]      █▀▄██
▐██▓▐      SAMPLER ............ [ ]         MIX ................ [ ]      ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌      SINGLE/MAXI ........ [ ]         PROMO .............. [ ]      ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█      CHARTS ............. [ ]         SOUNDTRACK ......... [ ]      █▀▄██
▐██▓▐                                                                     ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌                                                                     ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█      FORMAT ............. :  mp3                                    █▀▄██
▐██▓▐      VERSION ............ :  MPEG 1 Layer III                       ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌      MODE ............... :  Joint Stereo                           ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█      FREQUENCY .......... :  44100 Hz                               █▀▄██
▐██▓▐      AVGERAGE BITRATE.... :  320 kBit/s                             ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌      CBR/VBR ............ :  CBR                                    ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█      TAGS ............... :  ID3v1 ID3v2.3                          █▀▄██
▐██▓▐      TOOLS/ENCODEDBY/.... :  n/a                                    ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌      ... SETTINGS .......                                           ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█                                                                     █▀▄██
░██▓▐      COVERS ............. :  Yes ........ [■]  No ........ [ ]      ▌▓██░
▐░▌█▌      COVERART ........... :  Front                                  ▐█▐░▌
 ▒█▄█▄                                                                   ▄█▄█▒ 
  ▐██▄█▄                                                               ▄█▓▄█▌
░  ▀███▓▄▄                                                           ▄▄▓███▀  ░
 ░   ▀████▓▄▄              -+- Smoke more Weeed ! -+-             ▄▄▓████▀   ░
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          ▒▒▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒    ▌ ─┬─┌─┐  ┌┐ ┌─ ┐┌ ┌ ─┌──┐─┬─ ▐    ▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▒▒
            ░▒▒▒▓▓▓▒▒   ▐  │ │─└┐┌├└┐│  ├─┐│ │└──┐ │  ▌   ▒▒▓▓▓▒▒▒░
              ░░░░░░       └ └  └┘  └└─── └└─└───┘ └       ░░░░░░

             CD 1/2                                              
         01. Bat Out Of Hell                                      09:49
         02. You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth             04:15
         03. Two Out Of Threee Ain't Bad                          05:25
         04. Paradise By The Dashboard Light                      08:28
         05. Dead Ringer For Love                                 04:23
         06. Modern Girl                                          04:28
         07. I'm Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us                    07:08
         08. Read 'em And Weep                                    05:25
         09. Peel Out                                             06:30
         10. Midnight At The Lost And Found                       03:31
         11. If You Really Want To                                03:37
         12. Razor's Edge                                         04:07
         13. Sailor To A Siren                                    04:42
         14. Blind Before I Stop                                  03:32

                                                      Runtime:  1:15:20

             CD 2/2                                              
         01. Piece Of The Action                                  04:18
         02. Rock 'n' Roll Mercenaries                            04:58
         03. I'll Kill You If You Don't Come Back                 06:24
         04. Special Girl                                         03:57
         05. Heaven Can Wait                                      04:48
         06. All Revved Up With No Place To Go                    04:20
         07. More Than You Deserve                                03:33
         08. Everything Is Permitted                              04:40
         09. For Crying Out Loud                                  08:46
         10. The Promised Land                                    02:46
         11. Bad Attitude                                         04:56
         12. Wolf At Your Door                                    04:07
         13. You Never Can Be Too Sure About The Girl             04:31
         14. Don't Leave Your Mark On Me                          04:08
         15. One More Kiss (Night Of The Soft Parade)             05:42
         16. I Love You So I Told You A Lie                       03:43

                                                      Runtime:  1:15:37

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