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▐██▓▐ ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ ARTIST ..... : █▀▄██
▐██▓▐ ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ ALBUM ...... : ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ █▀▄██
▐██▓▐ GENRE ...... : n/a ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ YEAR ....... : n/a ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ █▀▄██
▐██▓▐ SRC/RPR .... : WEB / NMR ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ RUNTIME .... : 00:53:18 ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ TOTALSIZE .. : 121,98 MB AUDIO: 121,98 MB TAG: 4,01 KB █▀▄██
▐██▓▐ HOMEPAGE ... : n/a ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ PUBLISHER .. : n/a ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ █▀▄██
▐██▓▐ INCLUDE .... : nfo ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ RELEASE .... : Arjan van der Pauw - 90s Megamix (2017) █▀▄██
▐██▓▐ ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ ALBUM .............. [■] AUDIOBOOK .......... [ ] █▀▄██
▐██▓▐ SAMPLER ............ [ ] MIX ................ [ ] ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ SINGLE/MAXI ........ [ ] PROMO .............. [ ] ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ CHARTS ............. [ ] SOUNDTRACK ......... [ ] █▀▄██
▐██▓▐ ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ FORMAT ............. : mp3 █▀▄██
▐██▓▐ VERSION ............ : MPEG 1 Layer III ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ MODE ............... : Stereo ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ FREQUENCY .......... : 44100 Hz █▀▄██
▐██▓▐ AVGERAGE BITRATE.... : 320 kBit/s ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ CBR/VBR ............ : CBR ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ TAGS ............... : ID3v2.3 █▀▄██
▐██▓▐ TOOLS/ENCODEDBY/.... : n/a ▌▓██▌
▌▀██▌ ... SETTINGS ....... ▐██▀▐
██▄▀█ █▀▄██
░██▓▐ COVERS ............. : Yes ........ [ ] No ........ [■] ▌▓██░
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▐██▄█▄ ▄█▓▄█▌
░ ▀███▓▄▄ ▄▄▓███▀ ░
░ ▀████▓▄▄ -+- Smoke more Weeed ! -+- ▄▄▓████▀ ░
░░ ▀▀▀███▄▄▄ -+-+- Template v2.48.2 by Rocky -+-+- ▄▄▄███▀▀▀ ░░
░░░ ▀▀▀███▄▄ -+-NFO generated on 28.01.2025-+- ▄▄███▀▀▀ ░░░
░▒▓░░░ ▀██▄ -+-+- by Mp3tag v3.28 -+-+- ▄██▀ ░░░▓▒░
░▒▒▓▓▒▒░░░ ▀█ ----------------------------- █▀ ░░░▒▒▓▓▒▒░
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░░░░░░ └ └ └┘ └└─── └└─└───┘ └ ░░░░░░
1. Baz Luhrman - Every Body's Free(To Wear Sunscreen)
2. Ace Of Base - The Sign
3. Ace Of Base - All That She Wants
4. Dj Bobo - Everybody
5. Snap - Oops Up
6. Dr Alban - No Coke
7. Masterboy - Land Of Dreaming
8. Salt & Pepa - Let's Talk About Sex
9. Mr President - Coco Jamboo
10. Refugee Camp All Stars - Avenues
11. Fugees - Killing Me Softly
12. Next - Too Close
13. T Spoon - Sex On The Beach
14. De La Soul - Ring Ring Ring
15. Martika - Martika's Kitchen
16. Coolio - To Hot
17. Foxy Brown -Feat Jay Z - I'll Be
18. Jon Secada - Just Another Day
19. Diana King - Shy Guy
20. Snap - Cult Of Snap
21. Mariah Carey - Make It Happen
22. Jesto Funk - I'm Gonna Love You
23. Black Machine - How Gee
24. C & C Music Factory - Here We Go
25. C & C Music Factory - Gonna Make You Sweat
26. Mc Sar & The Real Mc Coy - It's On You
27. King Be - Must Be The Music
28. Chad Jackson - Hear The Drummer Get Wicked
29. Incognito - Allways There
30. Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us
31. Madonnna - Vogue
32. Cathy Dennis - Touch Me
33. Cathy Dennis - Everybody Move
34. Michael Jackson Feat Heavy D - Jam(Rap)
35. Kim Sims - To Blind To See It
36. London Beat - You Bring On The Sun
37. Adventures Of Stevie V - Dirty Cash
38. Sagat - Funk That
39. Inxs - Suicide Blond
40. 2 Live Crew - Me So Horny
41. Snap - Mary Had A Little Boy
42. Black Box - Strike It Up
43. Black Box - I Don't Know Anybody Else
44. Yavahn - Everybody Be Somebody
45. Haddaway - What Is Love
46. Robert Miles - One And One
47. 2 Eivissa - O H La La La
48. Dr Alban - Sing Haleluja
49. Total Touch - Touch Me
50. Wildchild - Renegade Master
51. Everything But The Girl - Missing
52. Adamski - Killer
53. Clubland Feat King B - Let's Get Busy
54. Culture Beat - I Like You
55. 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor - I Can't Help Myself
56. 20 Fingers - Short Dick Man
57. 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor - Turn The Music Up
58. 2 Static - Boy I'll House You
59. Montel Jordan - This Is How We Do It
60. Party Clappers - I Believe
61. House Of Venus - Dish & Tell
62. Tag Team - Whoopp There It Is
63. Rednex - Cotten Eye Joe
64. 2 Brothers On The 4 Th Floor - Thinking Of You
65. Mc Miker G - Show 'M The Bass
66. Twenty 4 Seven - I Can Stand It
67. Robin S - Show Me Love
68. Strike - U Sure Do
69. Bizarre Inc - I'm Gonna Get You
70. Reel To Real - I Like To Move It
71. The Original - I Love You Baby
72. C & C Music Factory - Keep It Coming
73. 2 Unlimited - Twilight Zone
74. 2 Unlimited - Magic Friend
75. Tina Cousins - Killing Time
76. Dj Jean - Let Yourself Go
77. 20 Fingers - Lick It
78. Culture Beat - Mr Vain
79. Klubbeads - Clubhoppin'
80. Mark Van Dale With Enrico - Water Verve
81. Klubbheads - Kickin' Hard
82. Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar
83. Jay Dee - Plastic Dreams
84. Future Breeze- Why Don't You Dance With Me -
85. Venga Boys - Kiss (When The Sun Goes Down)
86. Venga Boys - Up & Down
87. Nance - Love Is
88. Capella - Move On Baby
89. Capella - You And Me
90. Dr Alban - Let The Beat Control Your Body
91. Modo - Eins Zwei Polizei
92. Rollergirl - Dear Jessie
93. Jam & Spoon - Right In The Night
94. Dj Jean - The Launch
95. Cb Milton - Hold On
96. Magic Affair - Omen III
97. Perpetual - Keep On Dancin'
98. 2 Unlimited - Maximum Overdrive
99. 2 Unlimited - No Limit
100. 2 Unlimited - The Real Thing
101. Ice Mc - Think About The Way
Runtime: 53:18
▄▄▄ ▄▄▄
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