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proudly presents
°°°°°±²Û .nfo Û²±°°°°°
³°³ . artist :: Rainhard Fendrich . ³°³
³°³ . title :: Winpernschlag . ³°³
³°³ . genre :: AustroPop . ³°³
³°³ . year :: 2025-01-31 . ³°³
³°³ . source :: WEB . ³°³
³°³ . quali :: CBR 320kbps / 44.1kHz / Stereo . ³°³
³°³ . time :: 00:51:47h . ³°³
³°³ . size :: 120,98 MB . ³°³
³°³ . type :: Full Album . ³°³
³°³ . incl :: .nfo / cover . ³°³
°°°°°±²Û tracklist Û²±°°°°°
³°³ [title] [time] ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ 01. Wir sind am Leben 03:06 ³°³
³°³ 02. Wake Up Call 03:37 ³°³
³°³ 03. Hoit mi 03:08 ³°³
³°³ 04. Warteschleife 03:17 ³°³
³°³ 05. Nachtzug nach Jesolo 03:30 ³°³
³°³ 06. Glaub net alles 03:42 ³°³
³°³ 07. Das kleine Glueck 03:18 ³°³
³°³ 08. Nie wieder jung sein 02:52 ³°³
³°³ 09. Und das Herz schlaegt weiter 03:06 ³°³
³°³ 10. Ueber's Meer 03:20 ³°³
³°³ 11. Die Kinder des Krieges 03:24 ³°³
³°³ 12. Nur ein Wimpernschlag 03:17 ³°³
³°³ 13. Nebenan 03:08 ³°³
³°³ 14. Schoene Aug'n 03:36 ³°³
³°³ 15. Wladimir 02:30 ³°³
³°³ 16. Nie mehr Krieg 02:56 ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ total: 00h 51m 47s ³°³
°°°°°±²Û notes Û²±°°°°°
³°³ Rainhard Fendrich returns in 2025 with his new album ³°³
³°³ "Wimpernschlag". With this first studio album since 2019, ³°³
³°³ Rainhard Fendrich delivers 16 new songs and another impressive ³°³
³°³ chapter in his music career. "Wimpernschlag" is a testament to ³°³
³°³ Fendrich's continued relevance and undeniable influence on the ³°³
³°³ Austrian music scene. It is a must for every Fendrich fan and ³°³
³°³ is sure to inspire new listeners who are just discovering ³°³
³°³ Fendrich's music for themselves... ³°³
°°°°°±²Û (c) 2025 Frog Brigade Û²±°°°°°