.__ _______ ___________.__ _______ .__________________.___._. |__|\ \ \_ _____/|__|\ \ |__\__ ___/\__ | 2| | | |/ | \ | __) | |/ | \| | | | / | 0| | | / | \| \ | / | \ | | | \____ 2|\| |__\____|__ /\___ / |__\____|__ /__| |____| / _____5|__ !POWERMUSIC\/ \/ \/ \/UPLOAD!\/ •Artist..: Rygar (SpaceAnthony) •Title...: Cosmic Raiders (Ultimate Megamix) •Year....: 2020 •Genre...: Spacesynth •Rip.....: FLAC-> MP3 •MP3.....: VBR-HQ •Beware..: www.canna-power.to is the ONLY REAL ONE! •Salute..: a11-11, Streetcase DMC, DeZzMonK, CountryKlaus Tweety, Musiktruhe, Party, Aushilfe, dago, Miezekatze •Note....: Support the Artist, BUY the Album! c╔╦╦═╦╦═╦╦═╦╦╦══╦╦╦╦╗p a║╠╣║║║═╬╣║║╠╬╣╠╣║║║║o n║║║║║║╔╣║║║║║║║╚╗╔╝║w n║╚╩╩═╩╝╚╩╩═╩╝╚╝ ╚╝ ║e a╚t═r═a═c═k═l═i═s═t:╝r 01. Interstellar Medium/Introx (Intromix) 02. Star Tracks (Remix 2012) 03. Starman 04. Secret Messages 05. Galactic Prosecutors 06. Cosmic Missile 07. Robotic Voice 08. From The World To The Sun 09. Moon Machine (Remix Part 1) 10. Squadron Leader 11. Sonic Mission 12. 24562 Overture 13. Sonic Travellers 14. The Mind Of The Universe 15. Modulation 16. Gadda Da Vida (Koto Mix) 17. Illusion In C Minor 18. Vitruvian Man 19. Captain Of The Universe 20. Chantra 21. Battlestar Galactica 22. The Mind Of The Universe (Koto Remix) 23. Moon Machine (Remix Part 2) 24. Alien Legacy 25. Star Tracks (Vocoder Dub) 26. Space Raiders (Remix) 27. Space Raiders (Part 2) 28. Darkness 29. Humanity 30. Sonorus 31. Interstellar Medium (Outro Track)
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