John Foxx (Dennis Leigh, 26 September 1948) ist ein britischer Sänger. Er war der erste Sänger der legendären Punk/Waveband Ultravox. Nach Ultravox wandte er sich mehr und mehr Synthesizern zu und macht heute elektronische Musik.
There is a beauty to decay and once more John Foxx is out to explore it; through the ruins of a future London he moves stealthily and in secret. To reveal one's presence in such a place would only invite unwanted attention and so this stillness comes through my speakers in the form of delicate pads doing what Foxx does so well: they meld together to form a background which appears lifeless and sterile. The eyes can deceive but the heart knows; the mind may wander easily listening to this but the emotional depth to 'London Overgrown' is an immense one.
Oceanic II 10:05
The Beautiful Ghost 6:09
A Man, A Woman And A City 3:24
London Overgrown 4:09
A Small Revolving World 1:42
Everything Is Illuminated 7:37
Often Now, I Wake 6:32
Persistence Of Vision 3:33
City Of Mirage 7:33
Imaginary Music 2:40mp3 320