John Foxx (Dennis Leigh, 26 September 1948) ist ein britischer Sänger. Er war der erste Sänger der legendären Punk/Waveband Ultravox. Nach Ultravox wandte er sich mehr und mehr Synthesizern zu und macht heute elektronische Musik.
Metal Beat contains 2 hours of material including an in-depth interview with John Foxx about the "Metamatic" album and some previously unheard demos and studio experiments which give a unique insight into the 1979/80 sessions.
CD1 - The interview includes extracts from the demos of "No-One Driving" and "Touch And Go" along with some early John Foxx experiments with drum machines and analogue synthesizers.
CD2 - The interview includes extracts from a demo of "Like A Miracle" and an extended version of "Plaza" alongside some tracks retrieved from two 1980 tapes marked "Music For Film" and "Instrumentals". It also features a 30 second piece entitled "Jane".
1-1 Untitled (Demo Extract) / Interview (Part 1) 17:22
1-2 Untitled (Demo Extract) / Interview (Part 2) 16:18
1-3 Touch And Go (Demo Extract) / Interview (Part 3) 14:54
1-4 No One Driving (Demo Extract) / Interview (Part 4) 15:08
1-5 Untitled (Demo Extract) 1:05
2-1 Untitled (Demo Extract) / Interview (Part 5) 13:48
2-2 Jane (Demo) / Interview (Part 6) 3:11
2-3 Untitled (Demo Extract) / Interview (Part 7) 9:14
2-4 Plaza (Demo) / Interview (Part 8) 6:24
2-5 Untitled (Demo Extract) / Interview (Part 9) 21:12
2-6 Like A Miracle (Demo Extract) 2:01mp3 320