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proudly presents
³°³ °°°°±±±²²²²ÛÛÛÛ C O L L E C T O R S E R I E S ÛÛÛÛ²²²²±±±°°°° ³°³
³°³ Deluxe Editions * Special Releases * Japan Imports * Rare mp3s ³°³
°°°°°±²Û .nfo Û²±°°°°°
³°³ . artist :: Yes . ³°³
³°³ . title :: Close to the Edge . ³°³
³°³ . genre :: Prog Rock . ³°³
³°³ . year :: 1972 / 2025 . ³°³
³°³ . source :: WEB . ³°³
³°³ . quali :: CBR 320kbps / 44.1kHz / Stereo . ³°³
³°³ . time :: 04:34:56h . ³°³
³°³ . size :: 634,98 MB . ³°³
³°³ . type :: Full Album (Super Deluxe Edition) . ³°³
³°³ . incl :: .nfo / cover . ³°³
°°°°°±²Û tracklist Û²±°°°°°
³°³ [title] [time] ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ [cd1] ³°³
³°³ 01. Close to the Edge: i. The Solid Time of Change, 18:43 ³°³
³°³ ii. Total Mass Retain, iii. I Get up I Get Down, ³°³
³°³ iv. Seasons of Man (2025 Remaster) ³°³
³°³ 02. And You and I: i. Cord of Life, ii. Eclipse, iii. 10:13 ³°³
³°³ The Preacher the Teacher, iv. Apocalypse (2025 ³°³
³°³ Remaster) ³°³
³°³ 03. Siberian Khatru (2025 Remaster) 08:57 ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ time: 00h 37m 53s ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ [cd2] ³°³
³°³ 01. Close to the Edge: i. The Solid Time of Change, 18:42 ³°³
³°³ ii. Total Mass Retain, iii. I Get up I Get Down, ³°³
³°³ iv. Seasons of Man (2025 Steven Wilson Remix) ³°³
³°³ 02. And You and I: i. Cord of Life, ii. Eclipse, iii. 10:10 ³°³
³°³ The Preacher the Teacher, iv. Apocalypse (2025 ³°³
³°³ Steven Wilson Remix) ³°³
³°³ 03. Siberian Khatru (2025 Steven Wilson Remix) 09:12 ³°³
³°³ 04. Close to the Edge: i. The Solid Time of Change, 18:42 ³°³
³°³ ii. Total Mass Retain, iii. I Get up I Get Down, ³°³
³°³ iv. Seasons of Man (2025 Steven W (Instrumental) ³°³
³°³ 05. And You and I: i. Cord of Life, ii. Eclipse, iii. 10:10 ³°³
³°³ The Preacher the Teacher, iv. Apocalypse ³°³
³°³ (Instrumental) ³°³
³°³ 06. Siberian Khatru (2025 Steven Wilson Remix) 09:12 ³°³
³°³ (Instrumental) ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ time: 01h 16m 08s ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ [cd3] ³°³
³°³ 01. America (Single Version) (2025 Remaster) 04:10 ³°³
³°³ 02. Total Mass Retain (Single Version) (2025 03:18 ³°³
³°³ Remaster) ³°³
³°³ 03. And You And I (Promo Radio Edit) (2025 Remaster) 03:27 ³°³
³°³ 04. Siberia (Studio Run-Through of Siberian Khatru) 09:19 ³°³
³°³ (2025 Remaster) ³°³
³°³ 05. Close to the Edge: i. The Solid Time of Change, 17:43 ³°³
³°³ ii. Total Mass Retain, iii. I Get Up I Get Down, ³°³
³°³ iv. Seasons of Man (Rough Mix) (2025 Remaster) ³°³
³°³ 06. And You and I: i. Cord of Life, ii. Eclipse, iii. 10:16 ³°³
³°³ The Preacher the Teacher, iv. Apocalypse ³°³
³°³ (Alternate Version) (2025 Remaster) ³°³
³°³ 07. America (Dry Mix) 10:30 ³°³
³°³ 08. Siberian Khatru (2025 Steven Wilson Edit) 04:59 ³°³
³°³ 09. Cord of Life (Steven Wilson Edit) 02:39 ³°³
³°³ 10. Total Mass Retain (Steven Wilson Edit) 04:13 ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ time: 01h 10m 34s ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ [cd4] ³°³
³°³ 01. Siberian Khatru (Live at The Rainbow, London, 09:01 ³°³
³°³ England, 12/16/1972) ³°³
³°³ 02. I've Seen All Good People: a. Your Move, b. All 07:09 ³°³
³°³ Good People (Live at The Rainbow, London, ³°³
³°³ England, 12/16/1972) ³°³
³°³ 03. Heart of the Sunrise (Live at The Rainbow, 11:12 ³°³
³°³ London, England, 12/16/1972) ³°³
³°³ 04. And You and I: i. Cord of Life, ii. Eclipse, iii. 09:29 ³°³
³°³ The Preacher the Teacher, iv. Apocalypse (Live at ³°³
³°³ The Rainbow, London, England, 12/16/1972) ³°³
³°³ 05. Close to the Edge: i. The Solid Time of Change, 17:19 ³°³
³°³ ii. Total Mass Retain, iii. I Get Up I Get Down, ³°³
³°³ iv. Seasons of Man (Live at The Rainbow, London, ³°³
³°³ England, 12/16/1972) ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ time: 00h 54m 10s ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ [cd5] ³°³
³°³ 01. Excerpts From The Six Wives of Henry VIII (Live 06:32 ³°³
³°³ at The Rainbow, London, England, 12/16/1972) ³°³
³°³ 02. Roundabout (Live at The Rainbow, London, England, 08:09 ³°³
³°³ 12/16/1972) ³°³
³°³ 03. Yours is No Disgrace (Live at The Rainbow, 11:36 ³°³
³°³ London, England, 12/16/1972) ³°³
³°³ 04. Starship Trooper: a. Life Seeker, b. Disillusion, 09:54 ³°³
³°³ c. Wuerm (Live at The Rainbow, London, England, ³°³
³°³ 12/16/1972) ³°³
³°³ ³°³
³°³ time: 00h 36m 11s ³°³
³°³ total time: 04h 34m 56s ³°³
°°°°°±²Û notes Û²±°°°°°
³°³ !!! Support the Artists -+- Buy the Album !!! ³°³
°°°°°±²Û (c) 2025 Frog Brigade Û²±°°°°°
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